HTML5 Certification - Build your Resume and test your HTML5 skills!
HTML5 Foundations Certification
StudioWeb's certifications have been used by schools since 2011!
Succesfully passing the HTML5 Foundations certification will demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of both theoritical and practical HTML5.
HTML5 is the building block language of all websites and web apps. Being able to demonstrate a good understanding of HTML5, is an esssential aspect of all professional web designers and web developers resumes.
About the certification exam:
The HTML5 Foundations certifications test your practical and theoritical understanding of HTML5 and the basics of web design.
Your certification exam will be unique, as questions are drawn randomly, from our pool of quiz questions and code challenges.
The HTML5 Foundations certification exam last up to 60 minutes, and has 50 questions.
Learn about the benefits of the StudioWeb Certifications: